Meethak Al-Khatib

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I'm a video, photo and audio journalist based in Iraq. I've worked as a journalist and producer for the last Nine years, covering the Battle of Mosul, personal stories, and other issues and conflicts impacting young Iraqis. I am interested in showing and telling stories from my country, and working with others to produce meaningful work that confronts. Here you can find a sample of my work.

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Instagram: @Meethak77

Twitter: @Meethak55 

Examples of my TV work:

A year on, survivors of targeted Israeli attack are still awaiting justice

A year on, there is still no accountability following the October 13, 2023, targeted Israeli attack that killed Issam Abdallah and injured six journalists in southern Lebanon.

CPJ spoke with some of the survivors: Christina Assi, Dylan Collins, Maher Nazeh, and Thaer al-Sudani.

Due to the escalation of the war in Lebanon, CPJ was unable to film interviews with Al Jazeera's correspondent Carmen Joukhadar and camera operator Elie Brakhya, who were both injured in the attack. As of publication of this video, Joukhadar is still stationed in south Lebanon where she is covering the clashes between Hezbollah and the Israeli forces.

Read CPJ’s special report:

Irak: les anciens détenus d'Abou Ghraib demandent justice - Regarder le documentaire complet

Des dizaines de milliers d'Irakiens ont été détenus par des soldats américains dans la prison d'Abou Ghraib entre 2003 et 2006. Parmi eux, 70 à 90% étaient innocents d'après la CroixRouge. Vingt et un ans plus tard, ces innocents et parfois victimes de tortures des droits humains attendent toujours de recevoir les compensations promises par l’ancien Président américain George W. Bush en 2004.

Car drifting steers Iraq's youth away from drugs and alcohol | AFP

Tyres screech and crowd cheers as young Iraqi drift racers put on a show at the Mesopotamia Engines Sport Club in Baghdad. The activity serves as a vital outlet for young people to blow off steam in a healthy and productive manner. "I love this sport," says Hassouni Al-Malik who, at just 21 years old, is Iraq's youngest drift racer. "We do this for our fans and to create a new generation of racers that will take it up after us."

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N.B.: AFP’s services and content are for professional use only

Why Digging Up Homemade Bombs Is One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In Iraq | Risky Business

Thousands of improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, are still buried in Iraq after the war with ISIS. Falah Hassan is a trained deminer who removes and protects the lives of the people who live there. We followed him to a minefield in Mosul to see what makes this such a risky business.

Editor's Note: The video incorrectly states that more than 50,000 people have been killed by IEDs in Iraq in the last decade. In reality, the study used as a source states that explosive attacks, including IEDs, killed or injured more than 50,000 civilians in Iraq from 2011 to 2020. The video also states ISIS declared Mosul the capital of its Islamic caliphate. While Mosul was the de facto capital of ISIS in Iraq, its main capital was Raqqa in Syria.

Why People Risk Their Lives Hunting For Deadly Explosives In Afghanistan | Risky Business
Inside The Floating Mines That Host One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs | Risky Business | Insider News
How Illegal Coal Mining Became One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In India | Risky Business


#Iraq #RiskyBusiness #InsiderNews

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Why Digging Homemade Bombs Is One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In Iraq | Risky Business | Insider News

Jesiden im Irak: Nach dem Genozid - Die ganze Doku

Abspielen Irak: Die überlebenden Jesidinnen ARTE Reportage 25 Min. Das Programm sehen Weitere Optionen Irak: Die überlebenden Jesidinnen ARTE Reportage 25 Min. Das Programm sehen

Abspielen Irak: Die Jesiden, die überlebt haben... ARTE Reportage 25 Min. Das Programm sehen Irak: Die Jesiden, die überlebt haben... Weitere Optionen Irak: Die Jesiden, die überlebt haben... ARTE Reportage 25 Min. Das Programm sehen

Abspielen Irak: Der Kampf gegen den Terror 3 Min. Das Programm sehen Irak: Der Kampf

L'Irak vit un mini-boom touristique - Regarder le documentaire complet

En 2021, plus de 100 000 touristes venus de France, des États-Unis ou même de Norvège ont visité l’Irak, contre 30 000 l’année d’avant. Depuis deux ans, les touristes peuvent obtenir un visa à l’arrivée à l’aéroport de Bagdad, là où il était auparavant presque impossible d’en obtenir un.

Résultat : les influenceurs de voyages occidentaux ont commencé à visiter l’Irak, rejoints dans la foulée par des backpackers et même des retraités en voyage organisé. Ces touristes explorent, malgré des infras

Réalité virtuelle : les joyaux d’Irak reprennent vie - Regarder le documentaire complet

En Irak, le groupe Etat islamique ne s’est pas contenté de créer un Etat totalitaire : il a aussi abattu des dizaines de bâtiments historiques, joyaux archéologiques d’une région à l’histoire plus de quatre fois millénaire. Pour combler le néant laissé par les terroristes, un groupe de scientifiques et d’ingénieurs irakiens ont ouvert un musée à Mossoul, où il est possible de visiter la grande mosquée Al-Nouri ou la synagogue Ahmadeya grâce à la réalité virtuelle.


Farmers in southern Iraq hit by water crisis

Situated at the crossroads of Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Basra is surrounded by salt-stained desert plains and the flares of oil fields. Known as the “Venice of the Middle East” in the last century, the city of Basra has lost its lustre. There is now little evidence of its former glory, and waste is piling up in the brackish water canals.

Farmers in the Basra region depend on the Chatt el Arab river, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet, and its freshwater canals for domestic use and

Iraqis with Disabilities Excluded from Jobs

• The legally mandated 5 percent public sector employment quota for people with disabilities is not being met, leaving hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with disabilities unemployed.
• The Iraqi government does not collect statistics on the number of people with disabilities living in the country or their employment rate.
• The government should pair fulfilment of the employment quota with enforcement of other nondiscrimination legislation as well as support and funding for creating accommodating

Aux confins de l’Irak, les ravages du Traité de Lausanne - Le Temps

A la frontière entre la Turquie et l’Irak, le village de Chama est séparé en deux depuis cent ans. Un Kurdistan déchiqueté reste le quotidien des habitants

D’abord, cette histoire d’amour. Comme beaucoup de jeunes gens, Matin Haji avait mis au point un «code secret» pour pouvoir parler à son amoureuse. Une seule sonnerie de téléphone (l’histoire date d’avant les téléphones portables…) afin de signaler son identité avant de raccrocher aussi sec. Puis deux sonneries au deuxième appel, pour évacue

With few job openings, Iraqi youth find work in creative ways

BAGHDAD — In Iraq's struggling economy, more young people are trying creative ways to make money.

Many young Iraqis have traditionally looked to the public sector for work, but the government only passed its 2023 budget on Monday after months of delays, and ministries were reluctant to hire in the interim. Moreover, the dinar has been falling against the US dollar since the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani took office last October. High oil prices provided a boost in 2022, but corruption r

Here's how some Iraqis help dig up and disable thousands of bombs that are still buried in Iraq after the war with ISIS

As the Islamic State militant group tried to take over Iraq in 2014, it left behind IEDs. A member of the Iraqi Civil Defense unit with an IED disarmed June 24, 2004, in Baghdad. The prominence of these improvised explosive devices around Iraq has meant that highly trained deminers are now going around searching for and dismantling thousands of IEDS. "Our job has a saying that goes: 'There's no room for mistakes to happen twice. Because the first mistake will be death,'" Falah Hassan, a deminer,


ERBIL, 22 September 2022 - Yazidi children whose lives were shattered by ISIS attacks in northern Iraq eight years ago must not be forgotten by the international community, which must help fulfil their right to an education and hopes for a better future, Save the Children said today.

About 400,000 Yazidis – an ethnic and religious minority group – were captured, killed, or forced to flee from their ancestral homeland in Sinjar in August 2014 after ISIS crossed the border from Syria. The United

How Iraq’s Christians are rebuilding their ancient churches

When Islamic State (IS) marched into the Nineveh region of northern Iraq in 2014 and declared it a caliphate under sharia law, it destroyed one of the oldest communities of Christians in the world. Jihadists desecrated ancient churches and 50,000 Christians fled. After its capital Mosul was liberated in 2017, Al-Bishara Church was the first to reopen. Five years on, local journalists Stella Martany and Meethak Al-khatib visited on Easter Sunday to speak to the Christians tentatively reassembling

A Mosul book cafe raises political awareness in the run-up to Iraq elections

MOSUL, Iraq/BOGOTA, Colombia: Taking a seat at the top table in Mosul’s Book Forum cafe one evening in September, political blogger Saad Amer introduced his two guest speakers, both independent candidates running in Iraq’s Oct. 10 parliamentary elections.

This was the fifth such event organized by the Khutwa Club, a debating society that meets regularly at the northern city’s popular cafe — its foremost cultural and literary venue.

Since Mosul was retaken from Daesh extremists in 2017, the caf

Soaring drug addiction blights lives in Iraq’s war-shattered Ramadi

RAMADI, IRAQ / BOGOTA, COLOMBIA: Ramadi was liberated by Iraqi security forces in the closing days of 2015 after several months under Daesh control. Since then, the people of this war-shattered provincial capital 110km west of Baghdad have struggled to rebuild their lives in the face of severe economic hardship.

After decades of war, occupation and neglect by central government, the people of Ramadi are barely scraping by, with high rates of unemployment, sluggish post-war reconstruction and th

Voices of Iraqis awaiting Pope Francis: He comes to say, 'I am with you'

Baghdad and Erbil, Iraq — Christians across Iraq are eagerly anticipating Pope Francis' planned March 5-8 visit to their country, the pontiff's first sojourn abroad since 2019. Although Christians represent a small minority of the Iraqi population, perhaps numbering 1 million out of a total population of 39 million, they trace their lineage to the earliest decades of the faith. Presented here are portions of recent interviews with five Iraqi Christians in Baghdad and Erbil, focusing on their hop

Voyage du pape en Irak : les chrétiens de Bagdad rêvent d’exil

Dans sa petite maison en périphérie de Bagdad, Nenous Najeeb rejoint péniblement son canapé, perché sur des béquilles. Son moignon dépasse de sa djellaba grise, stigmate de la guerre contre l’Iran.

« Ma vie n’est qu’une succession de drames », lâche le père de famille. Édenté, les cheveux blancs, ce syriaque de 57 ans ressemble déjà à un vieillard. « Je n’ai pas les moyens de me soigner. Les 500 dollars (417 €) par mois de ma pension d’invalidité parviennent à peine à nourrir ma famille. » Sans

Reach out for filming / photography / producing opportunities or requests.

Pieces I contributed to:

Explore a selection of additional work I contributed to here...

Climate crisis: the exodus of thousands of Iraqis

In the legendary marshes of Mesopotamia, one of the world’s largest wetlands, falling water levels, salinization and pollution have led to a dramatic loss of flora and fauna, depriving inhabitants of their livelihoods and driving them into exodus. From 20,000 km2 in the early 1990s, the three marshes located between Al-Chibayish, Al-Hawizeh and Al-Hammar, in the Thi-Qar governorate, have shrunk to less than 4,000 km2³. In total, some 20,000 people have left the marshes, according to the Internat

Bagdad Mariage Frères - Reportages

À 300 km au nord de Bagdad, sur une base militaire près de Kirkouk, ancien bastion de l’Organisation de l’État Islamique, trois soldats de la police fédérale et un mollah se retrouvent dans une chambre pour fêter leur permission autour d’un thé. L’un d’eux attrape son téléphone posé contre la crosse de sa Kalachnikov pour regarder des clips. « Samoun Achrab alif » (« dix pains pour 1 euros »), fameuse musique de la révolution d’octobre 2019, retentit alors dans le préfabriqué. Jusque-là silencie

Iraqis born in 2003 reflect on a life that began with war

Twenty years ago this month, the US and several allies invaded Iraq, pledging to rid the country of its purported weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and topple the Saddam Hussein regime.

The US-led invasion plunged the country into war and sectarian violence. And the claims that Iraq harboured WMDs were found to be false. When coalition forces withdrew in 2011, they left behind a country scarred by conflict and political instability – one that would continue to face challenges, including from t

Iraq: A day with Islamic State suspects at Tel Keppe tribunal

A bell sounds. A policeman opens a small wooden door and lets a young man with shaved hair in, his face fallen. The young man walks head down to the dock. A second individual, dressed in a black shirt, follows him and takes the stand. “Put your hand on the Koran. Do you swear to God to tell the truth?” says the judge to the second man, who is about to testify. “Do you know him? Did you see this individual wearing a Daesh [Islamic State] uniform with a gun in his hand?” he continues, pointing to

  Pieces featuring me

Episode 1: Meethak Al-Khatib - Confused Iraqi

In season two of Confused Iraqi, Noor Mousa and Alannah Travers interview individuals who have themselves grappled with the layers of confusion that Iraq's rich history and current reality present. From artists to activists, they uncover the stories of those who have experienced the range of feelings that come with being connected to Iraq, and dive deep into the stories and experiences of Iraqis who have been touched by the complexities of their home.

Throughout this season, we hope to shed lig

From Dialogue to Action: Forest Whitaker, Experts, and High School Students Collaborate for Peace

The Iraqi journalist, Meethak Al-Khatib, in his speech, insisted on the need to be interested in others. In his daily life, he explains that he exchanges with various people whose opinions he does not share but who allow him to better understand conflicts, no matter how big they are: from daily tensions between neighbors, and between students in a school, to armed wars on an international scale.

The role of social networks in new peace processes was mentioned by Ernest Dukuzumuremyi. Indeed, ac

Iraq war, 20 years on: Visualising the impact of the invasion

The horrors of war, its long legacy, and its lost lives and heritage haunt Iraq two decades after the US invasion.

“One of my earliest memories is from a week or so before the invasion,” Meethak al-Khatib, an Iraqi journalist and filmmaker, tells Al Jazeera. “I came into our living room. My uncle had come over. He was putting duct tape on all the windows. I asked him why he was doing that. He said so the glass will not turn to shrapnel. While he was doing that, on our TV was the last time I saw

‎BEARTH Podcast: ep44: For Us or Against Us, This is for You: Meethak alKhatib after ISIS 5 Years On In Iraq on

From October 2016 to July 2017, the battle for Mosul Iraq against ISIS raged. I was there, Meethak al Khatib was there and he was one of our guides, he worked with us messy foreigners and showed us the truth in his country, the beautiful and the damned. Now he's his own journalist, making a name for himself and discovering how to navigate the pitfalls of a country still un-repaired and often forgotten by western countries. I checked in on him. He's an incredible Storyteller and the lessons are a

Tirs à balles réelles dans la foule: des protestations de désespoir tournent mal en Irak

Les manifestations qui ont éclatées en Irak ont fait 19 morts et des centaines de blessés en 3 jours, selon des sources médicales.

Certains évoquent déjà à demi-mot un nouveau printemps irakien. Les manifestations qui ont éclaté en Irak ont fait 19 morts et des centaines de blessés en 3 jours, selon des sources médicales. C’est la jeunesse irakienne qui est à l'initiative de ces nouvelles manifestations spontanées, sans aucun parti ni leader politique ou religieux, qui ont commencé le 1er octob

Fixeur, un job à haut risque au service de l'information

Samedi soir de juin à Erbil, capitale du Kurdistan irakien. Sur la terrasse bordant l’entrée d’une grande maison du quartier chrétien, journalistes et fixeurs boivent une bière. La plupart reviennent de Mossoul. Mais si la signature des premiers sera imprimée dans les prochains jours dans la presse internationale, il n’y aura nulle trace des seconds. Leur nom vient de l’anglais “to fix” (“préparer” ou “arranger”).

Ils sont chargés d’assurer les traductions, de faire passer les check-points, leu

Charles Thiefaine • Tafmag

Charles Thiefaine est un photographe français, qui navigue entre Paris et l’Irak. En marge de notre dossier « La Frontière » nous avons souhaité vous reparler de cet artiste qui livre une vision nouvelle de l’Irak, loin des déchirements idéologiques et des conflits territoriaux et frontaliers. Un quotidien irakien centré sur l’humain. Sans violence.

L’Irak. Envahi et ravagé par les Américains en 2003 qui chassent Saddam Hussein du pouvoir. Attaqué par Daech en 2011 qui émerge dans le désert d’a

Reportage international - Coronavirus: l'inquiétude des Irakiens face à la crise

Coronavirus: l'inquiétude des Irakiens face à la crise

Alors que l'Iran est l'un des pays les plus touchés par le coronavirus, son voisin irakien tremble. Difficile de savoir combien de personnes ont déjà été infectées dans un pays où le système sanitaire est en berne. Les Irakiens sont donc confinés, inquiets des conséquences catastrophiques que pourraient avoir cette épidémie sur leur santé comme sur la stabilité du pays.

En Irak

À Mossoul, une fresque monumentale surgit des ruines

Deux ans et demi après la chute de Daesh, les habitants de Mossoul peinent à reconstruire leur ville. Ancienne capitale irakienne de l’organisation terroriste, la moitié de la cité a été détruite par les bombardements de l’aviation internationale et les combats. Ses maisons de pierre et de marbre, ses portes sculptées, ses mosquées, ses synagogues, et ses églises ont été réduites en cendre. Autrefois haut lieu de culture où se mêlaient poètes